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Garvey Schubert Barer – New York

Operating from six strategic locations — Anchorage, Beijing, New York, Portland, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. — Garvey Schubert Barer represents clients locally, nationally and internationally, with a special focus on the Pacific Rim. We provide practical, client-centered solutions to established market leaders, newly launched enterprises, and governmental bodies.

As a firm, we aspire every day to provide exceptional client service as defined and judged by our clients.  To accomplish that aim, we believe the whole is greater than simply the sum of its parts.  We know that the experience, knowledge and counsel available from the collective group of professionals magnifies each individual’s ability to help clients succeed.

Identifying and understanding the client’s needs, objectives and any constraints in seeking our assistance.  We systematically seek those in the firm with direct or related experience and industry knowledge as we determine how best to staff specific matters.

First and foremost, we deliver on our clients’ expectation of excellent legal work, promptly and efficiently.  As needed, this may involve non-traditional resources such as use of the firm librarian, non-lawyer professionals, and/or resources outside the firm such as vetted third-party professionals.

To deliver more than excellent legal work, we encourage and empower GSB attorneys and staff to seek opportunities to bring insights, information or other value that the client finds useful.   This has involved “lessons learned” sessions, client educational events, in-house trainings, current event updates, and other forward-looking discussions designed to provide more than simply handling the matter at hand.

To achieve the level of client service we desire, we also routinely examine questions designed to help the client and firm improve their respective operations.   We ask:  what other opportunities are there to help the client succeed?  What threats must be mitigated?  What plans must be laid for the future?  How can we serve the client more efficiently and successfully?  Often these questions are examined in a frank discussion with key client representatives at the conclusion of a matter.

Our Featured Attorney: 
Greg Duff

Our Offices:
SeattleBeijingNew York  PortlandWashington D.C.

Our Featured Articles & Resources:
Hotels And Consumers Making Headway In Anti-room Poaching Battle – May 2018
5 Things Businesses Need To Do If They Think They’re About To Be Sued – May 2018
Recent Verdict Strengthens The Growing Need For Websites To Increase Accessibility To Disabled Individuals – September 2017
OTA & Travel Distribution Update: June 23rd, 2017 – July 2017
Reading The Fine Print: Changes In The Legal Framework For The Assessment and Display of Service Charge – October 2016
Can SafeHer, a Women-For-Women Ridesharing Company, Overcome the Challenges of Anti-Discrimination Laws? – May 2016
Please Don’t Pass the Salt (Labels): The Fight Over NYC’s Sodium Labeling Rule – April 2016
FDA’s Menu-Labeling Update – November 2015
Credit Card Fraud Liability Shift is Here – October 2015
Sharing is Daring under Browning-Ferris – September 2015
BrandVerity’s Latest Study on the Use (and Abuse) of Branded Keyword Search – September 2015
U.S. Hospitality Industry Should Heed CMA’s Warning for Online Reviews & Recommendations – July 2015
Keeping Your Undocumented Employees Authorized for Employment – May 2015
The Challenges that Hotel Brands Face in Paid Search – May 2015
Don’t forget Copiers, Scanners and Fax Machines in Your Data Security Program – April 2015
How Does the NLRB’s Ruling on Non-Business Use of Email Affect Your Business? – March 2015
Full Disclosure: The Impact of New Food-Labeling Regulations – January 2015
Brand Protection in the Era of Exploding Domains – November 2014
Guest Room Privacy and the Fourth Amendment – September 2014
What is “Suitable Seating” and How Does It Affect My Business? – July 2014
Hotel Rebranding: Time for a Change? – June 2014
Chinese Investment in the U.S. Hotel Industry – May 2014
Gender Expression in the Workplace: A Primer for Employers – May 2014
Don’t Fake it to Make It: Prosecutors Crack Down on Business Fake Online Reviews – January 2014
Exemptions and Credits that Result in Savings for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry – December 2013
Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up – November 2013
What is the OFCCP and Do Hoteliers and Restaurateurs Need to Care? – November 2013
Proposed Rules to Implement Job Assistance Ordinance and Request for Comment – October 2013
Avoiding Pitfalls with Unpaid Internships – September 2013
The Old One-Two: Boxing and the Practice of Law – September 2013

Practice Areas
